Monday, March 06, 2006

Tangible video evidence!

"A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven. "
~Jean Chretien

(**Note -- I have no idea what the quote means. I just thought it was funny -- and it sort of fits the theme of this post.**)

Okay people... recall my post on my lack of hockey skills? Well, as it turns out, I may have been a little too hard on myself. I am not as bad as I once thought.

Does this mean I am good?

Nope. Not at all. Let's not get crazy.

It just means that I'm not that bad... if that makes any sense.

Well, just to ensure that people know I am not simply stating my case without, as Chretien would say, "a proven proof", feel free to view a short video of yours truly, shot at our last hockey game. (I am the tall dude in the red shirt and blue bucket hat -- who needs helmets!?!)

Here's the link: (Just click on the file "Zimmy On Ice" and enjoy!)

Now, for those of you who do surf your way to that site, also feel free to view the other video file on that page (titled Carey On Ice), as it is a short video of my good buddy Carey, as he effortlessly glides around the ice at our first hockey game (a couple years ago). To his credit, he has improved greatly since that last game, but nothing will ever top the comedy of that one time. Notice how he burns his ankles the whole time and is wearing his cup outside his sweats... priceless!

Anyway, that's all for today... I'll check back later...

Oh yeah, before I go... for those of you who view the video of me on the ice, pay no attention to the fact that I was supposed to be playing defense. I mean, in the end, when I rush in with the puck and try to centre it, pay no attention to the fact that I gave up a 2 on zero when the other team stole my centering pass... just completely disregard it, okay? (like I said, I'm not good, I'm just not that bad...)

and thanks to for their free hosting! (Plug alert!)




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